Friday, February 5, 2010

Picture Of Implantation Blleding Light Brownish Discharge, Is It Implantation Bleeding?

Light Brownish discharge, is it implantation bleeding? - picture of implantation blleding

My husband and I tried to get pregnant with our first child and had symptoms of multiple pregnancy (eg, chest pain, urinating all the time, mood swings, anxiety, back pain ... you get the picture). So today I had a light brown discharge and am not prepared to start my period a week and a half. I am a little worried because I have an abortion, then do not want my expectations. What do you think? Is this normal?


stefanie... said...

Pink or brown discharge implantation bleeding, which occurs in the generally six to 12 days after ovulation and fertilization. Most women do not experience implantation bleeding, and doctors suggest that only 1 / 3 pregnant women, such a discharge, or by the time they are discovering that they are pregnant, will report. The discharge occurs when the fertilized egg implanted in the uterus, called implantation bleeding. Normally, you can test for pregnancy and correct to the exact result if the implantation bleeding experience.

Frustr... said...

It could be implantation, but just relax and wait until the lack of course ..... BABY DUST TO YOU !!!!!

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